#1: New York County, New York

69,468 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#2: Kings County, New York

35,369 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#3: Bronx County, New York

32,903 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#4: Queens County, New York

20,554 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#5: San Francisco County, California

17,179 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#6: Hudson County, New Jersey

13,731 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#7: Suffolk County, Massachusetts

12,416 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#8: Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

11,379 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#9: District of Columbia County, District of Columbia

9,856 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics

#10: Alexandria County, Virginia

9,314 people per square mile

census data,marketing research,data analytics