Unless your boat is amphibious, you are going to need a trailer and you are going to need to learn how to use it to get your boat in and out of the water. Launching a boat off of a trailer, when done right, can be quick and easy. But there are many ways that it can go wrong, and it is possible that during the process you can cause damage to your boat, your towing vehicle, or worse. Keep in mind the following tips when launching your boat off of a trailer


First, you have to find a ramp that is sufficiently wide and deep enough to launch your boat. Some ramps operate on a toll basis, and some are affected by the tide. Check online or ask someone you know where the best ramp to get your boat onto the body of water you want to get it onto is.


Once you have found a ramp and have made sure that it is suitable for launching your boat, remove all the tie-down straps from your boat and unplug the trailer lights - you don’t want to electrocute any fish. Next, check that the drain plug for the bilge is in place. You don’t want to get on the water and find out you are sinking.


boat trailers


Make sure that the winch is attached, and tie a bow and stern line to your boat to help guide it once it is in the water. If there are any coolers, waterskis, etc. that you want to take on the water with you, now is a good time to put them in your boat. Finally, make sure that your propeller is lifted - you don’t want to get on the water and find that you have no power.


Now you are ready to start putting your boat in. Back up your tow vehicle slowly, with your windows down so you can hear everything as well as possible. Stop when the motor is submerged, then get in your boat and test the motor. This allows it to warm up so you can start your day’s adventure more quickly. Also, this confirms that you aren’t launching a boat that will immediately become adrift. Continue backing your tow vehicle up, until your boat starts to float. Then, hop in the water and let out the winch.


Once you have disconnected the winch and tied your boat off, get back in your tow vehicle and go park. Make sure to lock your trailer to your hitch before you start making waves. Congratulations! You have successfully launched your boat.