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One obstacle many OEMs struggle with is getting the most out of the data that they already have. Part of the reason why is cleaning ‘dirty’ data can require tons of man-hours and finding the right analytical models to apply can be tough. With the EyeOn Suite, everything you need to find trends based on product/warranty registration data is taken care of.


By matching registrations based on customer name, address, and other factors EyeOn automatically aggregates bulk registration data into cohesive customer profiles. So, instead of having a database that just shows all the products that have been sold, you have a database that shows all of the customers who have bought products and which products they bought, which is indispensable for identifying cross-selling and upselling opportunities.


In addition to using it to generate customer profiles, EyeOn also appends publicly available data to registration data in order to let you dive deeper. By utilizing the most recent census data area demographics are enriched with customer’s age, income bracket, occupation, and other details. Having all that means you can drill down and look at which demographics buy the most, buy certain products, respond to specific promotions, etc.


Since EyeOn is meant to help dealers and distributors as well in addition to manufacturers, aggregating and appending product registrations can deliver value to the supply chain as a whole. For example, say a dealer is not hitting their sales targets and wants insights for how they can sell more. With access to EyeOn they may discover that their customer base, which used to consist mainly of repeat Baby Boomer customers, should now be adding more Millennials. They also may find which types of promotions their customers respond best to.


From a B2B perspective, EyeOn can even assist territory managers in deciding where new dealers should be, based on appended registration data. Imagine a scenario where you’re a territory manager and you want to onboard a new dealer who would be close-by to another dealer. Using reports from EyeOn you can show the existing dealer that the new dealer won’t be taking away their customers because, while there are customers buying products in their area, said customers aren’t buying products from the existing dealer.


Organizing, enriching, and granting easy access to registration data makes it more than the sum of its parts. Just like EyeOn is.