
C-Level 2016 Marketing Study: Barriers

by Jeff Winsper

If marketers acknowledge their infrastructure is currently both a shortcoming and a priority to support its brand promise and customer-centricity, what is impeding their ability to attain it?

C-Level 2016 Marketing Study: Capabilities

by Jeff Winsper

Of the current capabilities to perform at the highest level, Marketing Technology, Reporting/Insight, and Omni-Channel execution lag behind all others.

C – Level 2016 Marketing Study – Reporting

by Jeff Winsper

“This question explores what marketers feel is their role in supporting their company’s compass. Brand strategy and being customer-centric were reported as the #1 and #2 priorities heading into 2016. Reporting/ Insight and Marketing Technology, land at #3 and #4 respectively.

Interview with Rich Vancil: Group VP, Executive Advisory of IDC

by Jeff Winsper

I have known Rich Vancil, the Group VP, Executive Advisory of IDC, for nearly 30 years.  As the founder of a software company, Black Ink, we often rely on his guidance to help shape our strategy.

C-Level 2016 Marketing Study – Innovation

by Jeff Winsper

While innovation continues to fuel the economy, marketers don’t believe it’s what drives a company culture. The “innovation-driven” culture is absent of B2C and B2B/B2C organizations, leaving only 10 percent to B2B cultures.

C-Level 2016 Marketing Study – Company Culture

by Jeff Winsper

Sometimes the behavior of an organization is driven by the undocumented DNA of its culture. In other cases, the leadership makes it crystal clear that the company’s purpose is supported by the brand’s promise to its customers and the marketplace at large. 

Interview with Bob Fair: Chief Operating Officer at Teradata

by Jeff Winsper

I was able to meet up with Bob Fair at Teradata Corporation in Dayton Ohio a few weeks ago.  He agreed to share some of his lifelong experiences as a leader in various C-level capacities in the B2B tech space, including his current role as Chief Operating Officer.  

Interview with David Raab: Principal at Raab Associates Inc

by Jeff Winsper

Throughout the years, I have had the opportunity to observe David Raab’s introspective approach to marketing technology. He is a well-established thought leader who digs deeper than even the best industry analysts.